Monday, December 17, 2007

Backup your email To Gmail

Yea, I know this is not exactly what the Pros from VAULT400 would do. However, I am a little cheap with my own email so when I read this article I thought I should share with everyone. Remember not everybody has only iseries online backup information and critical system data. Sometimes, all that email that I never get around to reading will be valuable. Therefore, why not take advantage of good old Google and backup the cheap way. Export and Backup Emails from Outlook to Gmail Online Sachin writes - “I have few thousand email messages inside Microsoft Outlook (a pst file) organized in various folders. I know it is possible to download emails from Gmail to Outlook using POP3 or IMAP but is the reverse path possible.” Sachin is looking for a trick to archive all Outlook email messages (and folders) to his online Gmail account for two reasons - one is secure backup and two, he will be able to access his old emails from any computer. Here is the rest of the article...

Friday, November 16, 2007

VAULT400 In IBM Global Solution Directory

VAULT400 is the premier IBM iSeries online backup and recovery service (IBM System i , AS/400) and is featured in the IBM Global Solution Directory.

VAULT400 is uniquely qualified with their 20 year history as an IBM Business partner with a focus on the IBM iSeries online backup and recovery managed service as well as working with all major platforms.

In addition, the iSeries online backup service offers and insurance policy to all IBM System i, iSeries and AS/400 clients. It is call the VAULT400 Disaster Recovery Quick-Ship Program. Effective immediately, all IBM System i (AS/400) VAULT400 subscribers are eligible & can receive a 48-Hour Quick Ship Program at No Additional Charge.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

UCG Enhances VAULT400 Offering for IBM System i ( AS/400 iSeries )

UCG Enhances VAULT400 Offering with Complimentary System i Disaster Recovery Quick-Ship Program Cleveland, Ohio – October 31, 2007 – United Computer Group, Inc. announces the addition of the VAULT400 Disaster Recovery Quick-Ship Program for System i data vaulting subscribers. Effective immediately, all IBM System i (AS/400) VAULT400 subscribers are eligible & can receive a 48-Hour Quick Ship Program at No Additional Charge. See details and other news about VAULT400.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

IBM Sees Real 'Value' in VAULT400

Published: September 18, 2007 by Alex Woodie United Computer Group, the Cleveland, Ohio, company behind the VAULT400 online backup offering, received a big stamp of approval from IBM this month when it was awarded a "value added enhancement," or VAE, in the managed services category. VAEs are highly coveted certifications that bestow upon the holder the right to conduct business in highly competitive reseller channels. As such, they can make or break a company's entire existence in certain business segments. In this case, the VAE allows UCG to sell a range of IBM equipment, including System i, System p, System z, and SurePOS point-of-sale hardware. Read Article

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

IBM Give "Value Add" Nod to VAULT400...System iNews

With all the HA/DR acquisition activity going on this year with industry heavyweights Vision Solutions, Lakeview Technology, and DataMirror, it's important to remember there's more happening in the space than big acquisitions. Case in point is United Computer Group's VAULT400, which is a managed service for online backup and recovery. IBM has recently approved UCG's VAULT400 product and service as a "Managed Service Value Ad Enhancement" for the IBM System i, System p, System z, and several IBM point-of-sale terminals. Read Article

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

VAULT400 Featured in IT Jungle

Below is the beginning of a great article by Robert Gast regarding Data Vaulting
Vaulting Over Backups: The Pros, Cons by Robert Gast The notion of vaulting is really rather enticing. For a nominal monthly subscription fee, you can transmit critical business data securely over the Web to a backup site that is carefully maintained on your behalf. But what about the security and speed of the Web? Is it robust enough for enterprise-level backup? Furthermore, do vaulting solutions offer support for the increasing number of IT departments that use other platforms in addition to System i boxes? READ MORE >

Saturday, September 08, 2007

UCG Awarded IBM Managed Services Value Add for VAULT400

Cleveland, Ohio – September 7, – United Computer Group, Inc. announces the approval of UCG’s VAULT400 product and service as a “Managed Service Value Ad Enhancement” for the IBM System i, System p, System z and POS SureOne, SurePOS300, SurePOS500 and SurePOS700. UCG and their marketing affiliates can jointly provide the above IBM products when being installed or upgraded to include UCG’s VAULT400 online backup and disaster recovery managed service. While there are several products to do online backup and data vaulting, VAULT400’s broad platform coverage and focus on the IBM System i, set it apart from the competition. VAULT400 is a premier managed service for secure online backup and disaster recovery. VAULT400 backs up an entire organization’s business-critical data to VAULT400’s secure data center. Safe and Off-Site, the Encrypted Data is available online at all times for immediate, user-initiated recovery. VAULT400 works seamlessly in an organization’s existing infrastructure. According to the company, “The VAULT400 plug-in technology provides complete DR protection of the system, end-to-end data security, advanced compression, concurrent LPAR backups and easy to use Interface.” See Complete Press Release

Friday, August 10, 2007

More Security Breaches

Unfortunately they seem to keep happening at an ever increasing pace. Here is one of the most recent incidents. August 2007 VeriSign suffers data breach after July laptop theft VeriSign, the digital certificate vendor responsible for the internet's .com and .net domains, suffered a data breach last month when a laptop was stolen from an employee's vehicle. VAULT400 has created a page on the web site for some of the more "noteworthy events". Click Here Be sure and share with your colleagues that they can protect their data and their job with VAULT400. VAULT400 is a premier managed risk mitigation and business continuity planning service for secure online backup and recovery.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

What is Data Vaulting?

I am frequently asked to define this term which is also called online backup.
Definition according to myself is as follows: Data Vaulting (aka online backup) The process of sending data off-site, where it can be protected from hardware failures, theft, and other threats.
In VAULT400's case, it is performed as a managed service in which the data is compressed and encrypted at every stage and stored at a top tier data centr. Recovery of information can be performed at any time and from anywhere.

Friday, April 20, 2007

GOOGLE, YAHOO! and MSN Finally Agree On Something

When it comes to iSeries Risk Mitigation….VAULT400 is the answer.

VAULT400 gives organizations confidence that their critical information is securely stored for as long as necessary, yet quickly accessible when needed. For more information on specific capabilities visit VAULT400.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Thanks for your help!

Thom: I just want to thank you for helping us create this blog. Since I joined the VAULT400 team at United Computer Group I have been very impressed with services your firm has provided our company. Hope you continue to contribute from time to time as I transition into the webmaster and blog contributor for VAULT400.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

VAULT400 Earns Its Keep at Corrpro!

Below is a summary of an unsolicited e-mail from Mike Lemon at Corrpro, praising VAULT400 services.

I am continually amazed at the ways in which Vault/400 earns its keep!

I performed a restore this afternoon that took a small fraction of the time that it would have taken me to locate the tape, load it, execute the command, and re-archive the tape.

In addition, the backup solution provided by Vault/400 is much faster and more robust and dependable than our old method. No more media errors, write protects, jammed up job queues, or shuffling tapes to our offsite storage.

The bottom line: Less downtime. Less effort. More peace of mind.

Thanks for everything,


Corrpro, headquartered in Medina, Ohio, with offices worldwide, is a leading provider of corrosion control engineering services, systems and equipment to the infrastructure, environmental and energy markets around the world. Corrpro is the leading provider of cathodic protection systems and engineering services, as well as a leading supplier of corrosion protection services relating to coatings, pipeline integrity and reinforced concrete structures.