Friday, April 14, 2017

UCG Technologies Awarded 2016 ELDY Business Partner of the Year!

UCG is pleased and honored to have been awarded the ELDY award for 2016 Business Partner of the Year.

"Thanks for attending the 10th annual ELDY Awards and congratulations to you and the entire UCG team on winning the Business Partner of the Year award for 2016--the first company to have won a second such award. UCG was chosen from over 60 IT related business partners. 

We appreciate the many years of partnering with you and that your organization continues to look for ways to add value for Austin as evidenced with the KnowBe4 cyber security training. Thanks again for your sponsorship of the ELDYs. I look forward to seeing you again at next years’ event.”   
Larry Domzalski, IT Director, Austin Powder Company

Thank you, Larry Domzalski and Austin Powder Company!

Thursday, April 06, 2017

Meet Mary Borkman, Client Success Manager, UCG Technologies

In 2016 UCG Technologies announced our Enterprise Security Training partnership with KnowBe4. It quickly became obvious that this program was key to the safety and security of our clients' data and indeed, their entire organization. Our clients' data is protected by UCG's Enterprise Cloud Backup, DR, and H/A

But when it comes to cyber security, human error is the number one cause of security breach. It’s imperative to ensure that all employees are educated and up to speed on how to spot ransomware attacks BEFORE they click on a dangerous link.

As you know, cyber security attacks are an epidemic; the hackers have a plethora of nefarious methods to steal your data. That is why we made the decision to hire a dedicated Client Success Manager to focus solely on Enterprise Security Training

Mary Borkman, Client Success Manager
UCG Technologies

We are pleased to introduce Mary Borkman, Client Success Manager for UCG Technologies.

Please join us in welcoming Mary to the UCG Technologies team! Give her a call or drop her an email for details on how to take advantage of this no-charge added value for existing and new UCG clients. She can be reached at 216.520.1333 #145 or

In the meantime, watch our 90 second video!