Saturday, July 08, 2006

Give Your Data the Protection it Deserves

In light of recent natural disasters, highly publicized security breaches and increased regulatory compliance mandates, many companies have developed a keen interest in what once only received lip service — data backup and disaster recovery. Though many companies routinely perform onsite backups, they struggle with off-site backup. Let's face it — storing your backups at home or at your other office across town may not be far enough away — plus it's a hassle. The solution — an online backup service, but which one? Vault400 is your answer. Vault400 fully supports just about every platform imaginable and are the recognized experts for the IBM AS/400 aka iSeries or System i. Each Vault400 service comes with free e-mail and telephone support. Once an Vault400 representative walks you through the 20-minute setup, off-site backup becomes fully automatic, eliminating the possibility of human error.

1 comment:

  1. We are a small IBM iSeries shop in Charlotte North Carolina and with the concern over natural disasters and just good business practice this concept made a lot of sense to us. We really enjoy the automatic notification via e-mail and my boss loves the fact that it is all going to a fully secured state of the art data center. I just wanted to express my thanks to Vault400 for making me look good and making my job a heck of a lot easier!
